Tune out your tinnitus in 90 days

Rewire your brain and stop hearing your tinnitus with Oto’s 90 Day Program.

Start 7 day free trial

What to expect in 90 days

numéro 1

Hear less tinnitus.

You'll stop noticing or thinking about your tinnitus.

Feel better.

If you do hear your tinnitus, it won't bother you or make you feel bad.
numéro 3

Reduced volume.

Experience your tinnitus at a quieter volume, as your perception of its loudness changes.

What's included

Custom plan
Custom built plan
Make sure it definitely works for you, whatever type of tinnitus you have.
Group coaching
Specialist group coaching
Expert guidance for rapid results, and with minimal effort.
CBT Program
CBT program
Learn exactly how you can stop noticing your tinnitus.

Custom Tune Out Plan

  • Day by day guidance
  • Get results if you’ve struggled before
  • Created by a tinnitus specialist
Custom plan Oto
Specialist coaching

Specialist Coaching

  • Get lasting results with the help of our tinnitus specialists
  • Direct access to an expert
  • 1 x consultation

CBT Program

  • Take charge of your tinnitus, don’t just accept it
  • Science backed techniques to stop you hearing tinnitus
  • 6 weeks of audio content
CBT Program
Oto program

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Tuning out tinnitus takes a little practice. Embed what you’re learning any time, anywhere.
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Oto sounds

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100+ Sounds

Discover peace with over 100 specially curated sounds.
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Sleep and Focus Courses

Master sleep, focus, and relaxation with tinnitus-specific courses.
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A personalised plan. Built just for you.

90 Day Program Oto

90 Day Tinnitus Tune Out Program

Transform your tinnitus in 90 days with expert-led coaching.
Speed of result
90 days
Type of support
Money back
Money-back guarantee
L'outil le plus utile...
"Oto a changé ma perception des acouphènes alors que rien d'autre ne semblait pouvoir m'aider. Je peux dire que c'est l'outil le plus utile disponible pour toute personne souffrant d'acouphènes, qu'elle soit nouvelle ou actuelle."

Imran - Utilisateur d'Oto.

J'ai pris le contrôle...
"J'ai découvert Oto à un moment où mes acouphènes avaient atteint des sommets et étaient devenus incontrôlables. Il propose une approche personnalisée de la thérapie, étape par étape. La thérapie d'Oto m'a aidé à reprendre le contrôle, à me calmer et à me soulager..."

Jan - Utilisateur d'Oto.

Soudain, j'ai trouvé le succès...
"J'ai trouvé Oto... quelle bénédiction, j'étais en train de perdre la tête et soudain j'ai trouvé le succès. J'adore suivre les sessions et je pratique les techniques encore et encore."

Hassan - Utilisateur d'Oto.

Je n'ai plus besoin de soutien...
"Merci à l'équipe d'Oto pour cette thérapie extraordinaire. Les séances de TCC ont fait toute la différence dans mon rétablissement. En fait, je n'ai plus besoin du soutien d'Oto, mais je lui reconnais le mérite de m'avoir donné des outils sur lesquels je peux compter pour gérer mes acouphènes."

Claire - Utilisateur d'Oto.

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Results backed by science.
And guaranteed by us.

La recherche
Our methods are based on the latest science, which means you’re getting the best approach.
86% feel better in 1 month
Based on a study of 179 people using the Oto Program.
Success guarantee
If you don't progress at least one tinnitus stage in 90 days, we'll refund double your purchase cost.


How much does it cost?

The package costs £107.99 / for the 3 months. This includes unlimited coaching, your custom built plan, full access to the Oto app, priority support and a 1-1 expert consultation.

Will it work for me?

We use the latest science backed techniques. The research shows that these are effective in nearly every case. We’re so confident that you’ll get a result, we guarantee your success with our Tune Out Success Guarantee.

What happens at the end of the 3 months?

We’ll send you a reminder to retake your tinnitus assessment and check in on your progress.

If you’ve fully habituated, you’ll graduate from the package and you can get back to enjoying your life.

If you’ve made progress but not yet fully habituated, you can continue with the program for another 3 months, for the same price. You’ll get a free 45 minute 1-1 therapy session included.

Comment prendre rendez-vous pour une consultation ?

Une fois que vous aurez atteint la fin de l'évaluation pour déterminer si le coaching 1-1 vous convient, vous serez invité à prendre rendez-vous avec l'un de nos experts en acouphènes. Vous n'avez pas encore commencé votre évaluation ? Passez l'évaluation ici.

How do the risk free guarantees work?

We’re so confident the package will work, we’re able to offer 2 money back guarantees.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee: Get a full refund within the first 30 days if you aren’t happy. No questions asked. Just send us a message through the app and the refund will be processed within 5-10 working days.

What is the Oto app?

The Oto app is a complete toolkit to manage your tinnitus. Alongside the digital CBT program, it includes audio content for better sleep, relaxation and improving focus.As part of the 90 Day Program you’ll get full access to Oto Premium.

Pioneering in tinnitus research

Talk about our UK innovate grant = we invest in tinnitus research
Woman in coaching