Does Flying Make Tinnitus Worse?

Discover strategies for managing tinnitus during air travel. Learn how to minimize discomfort and enjoy a stress-free flight despite tinnitus.
Dr Edmund Farrar
Written by: 
Dr Edmund Farrar

Tinnitus, the perception of noise like ringing or buzzing in the ears, can be an unsettling companion for daily life, and it raises particular concerns for those who travel by aeroplane. Individuals with tinnitus often worry about how the pressure changes and noise levels inside an aircraft might affect their condition. However, the consensus among experts is reassuring: flying is generally safe for tinnitus sufferers, though there are some important considerations to keep in mind.

In this article, we'll explore the interplay between tinnitus and the unique environment of air travel. We'll offer practical advice to ensure that your journey is as comfortable as possible, despite the presence of tinnitus. Whether you're a frequent flyer or planning your first trip since the onset of tinnitus, understanding how to manage your symptoms can make a significant difference in your travel experience. Let's delve into the strategies that can help you maintain equilibrium, both in the air and with your tinnitus, as you embark on your next flight. 

Understanding Tinnitus and Air Travel

For many, flying can be a stressful experience at the best of times. But for those with tinnitus, the experience of flying introduces a new range of environmental factors that could potentially worsen the condition. Understanding these factors is the first step in managing tinnitus effectively during air travel.

The Effect of Cabin Pressure

The most significant concern for tinnitus sufferers is how the rapid pressure changes during takeoff and landing can affect ear pressure. Will it increase the ringing or humming sounds? Will it increase discomfort? These changes of pressure are often felt as a popping sensation when a plane ascends or descends. This sensation is due to the action of the Eustachian Tubes, which serve to protect the middle ear by balancing pressure on either side of the eardrum. These tubes function by allowing a small amount of air to pass into the middle ear, correcting any pressure differences that may occur, such as during flying or diving, thereby alleviating discomfort. Individuals with tinnitus, however, may experience this discomfort more intensely. 

Noise Exposure

Other than the pressure from the aeroplane, there are also other factors that might need to be taken into account for tinnitus sufferers. Engine noise may certainly be one of those. The constant drone of the plane's engine can be loud, and for some, this may aggravate tinnitus.

In addition, Other sounds within the cabin - from conversations to the clinking of service carts - can also contribute to a noisy environment that may impact tinnitus.

Tips for a Comfortable Flight with Tinnitus

Whilst there may be feelings of anxiety prior to flying for those suffering from tinnitus, there is no reason why - with the right precautions - one could not have an enjoyable flying experience. Let’s take a look at some tips. 

Pre-Flight Preparations

  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water before and during the flight to help maintain the health of the mucous membranes in the ears and nose. 
  • Avoiding Certain Substances: Alcohol and caffeine can dehydrate you and potentially worsen tinnitus symptoms, so it's best to avoid them before and during your flight.

During the Flight

  • Pressure Management Techniques: Simple actions like swallowing, yawning, or chewing gum can help activate the muscles that open the Eustachian tubes. This helps in the pressure equalization process. These methods are used by many people, even those who do not suffer from tinnitus, to help alleviate ear pain during flights. 
  • Staying Awake During Descent: Being awake and actively managing ear pressure during the plane's descent can also be important, as this is when the most significant pressure changes occur. This will avoid any painful wake-ups. 

In the next section, we will discuss specific strategies for managing tinnitus symptoms while in the air, including the use of ear protection and the selection of seating to minimise noise exposure.

Managing Tinnitus Symptoms In-Flight

For those with tinnitus, managing symptoms while in the air is key to a comfortable flight. Here are some strategies to help control tinnitus symptoms during your journey:

Use of Ear Protection

  • Noise-Cancelling Headphones: These can be a valuable tool for reducing the impact of engine noise and cabin chatter. By cancelling out ambient sounds, they can help some individuals manage their tinnitus more effectively.
  • Earplugs: For those who prefer a quieter environment, earplugs can help dampen the noise. High-fidelity earplugs designed for musicians can reduce noise levels without distorting sound, which may be beneficial for tinnitus sufferers. 

Masking Tinnitus with Background Noise

  • Seating Position: Choosing a seat away from the engines, such as towards the front of the plane, can reduce the level of noise exposure. Don’t be afraid to ask to swap seats if you find yourself in a particularly noisy area of the plane. 
  • In-Flight Entertainment: Using the in-flight entertainment system or personal devices to listen to music, audiobooks, or white noise can provide a helpful distraction from tinnitus. The Oto App has a sounds function that may also be useful. 

Stress and Anxiety Management

Sometimes the stress and anxiety associated with flying can be the worst part of having tinnitus on an aeroplane. Fortunately, there are relaxation techniques available that you can incorporate into your travel routine.

Techniques de relaxation

Reaching a state of relaxation can be really important to alleviate the symptoms or stresses of tinnitus. Practising deep breathing exercises can help assist stress and potentially reduce the perception of tinnitus. In addition, mindfulness and meditation can be a crucial aid. Engaging in mindfulness practices or meditation can help focus the mind away from tinnitus and reduce anxiety levels. Taking a few minutes to focus on your breathing - as it goes in and out - can lower stress levels. 

Psychological Aspect of Tinnitus

Being aware of and challenging negative thoughts about flying with tinnitus can help reduce the psychological impact of the condition. In addition, understanding what to expect and how to manage tinnitus can alleviate the fear and anxiety associated with flying.

In the following section, we'll look at what to do after your flight to continue managing tinnitus effectively and when it might be necessary to seek further medical advice.

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Post-Flight Care

After landing, it's important to stay aware of how you’re feeling - both physically and in your well-being - to ensure a smooth transition back to your daily routine. Here are some post-flight tips and considerations:

Monitoring Tinnitus Symptoms

  • Assess Changes: Lightly notice if there have been any changes in your tinnitus symptoms after the flight. An increase in symptom severity is not uncommon due to pressure changes and noise exposure. The aim is not to keep thinking about the condition, but merely to check in with yourself.
  • Rest and Recovery: Allow your body and ears time to rest and recover, especially after long-haul flights. Adequate sleep can help mitigate the stress response and potentially lessen tinnitus symptoms.

When to Seek Medical Advice

  • Persistent Symptoms: If you notice a significant and persistent change in your tinnitus or if symptoms continue to worsen, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional or an audiologist.
  • Ear Pain or Discomfort: Any pain, discomfort, or a feeling of fullness in the ears after flying should be evaluated by a medical professional.


Flying with tinnitus can present challenges, but with the right knowledge and strategies, it is possible to have a comfortable and stress-free travel experience. By preparing in advance, managing ear pressure during the flight, and taking care of your ears post-flight, you can minimize the impact of tinnitus on your journey.

Remember, while tinnitus can be exacerbated by flying, these effects are typically temporary and manageable. With careful planning and self-care, individuals with tinnitus can continue to explore the world by air without undue discomfort. 

Need help with your tinnitus?
Learn out to tune out tinnitus and tune back into life with Oto's clinically proven program
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Discover strategies for managing tinnitus during air travel. Learn how to minimize discomfort and enjoy a stress-free flight despite tinnitus.
Dr Edmund Farrar

Dr Edmund Farrar

Examiné médicalement par
Cofondateur et PDG d'Oto

Does Flying Make Tinnitus Worse?

Tinnitus, the perception of noise like ringing or buzzing in the ears, can be an unsettling companion for daily life, and it raises particular concerns for those who travel by aeroplane. Individuals with tinnitus often worry about how the pressure changes and noise levels inside an aircraft might affect their condition. However, the consensus among experts is reassuring: flying is generally safe for tinnitus sufferers, though there are some important considerations to keep in mind.

In this article, we'll explore the interplay between tinnitus and the unique environment of air travel. We'll offer practical advice to ensure that your journey is as comfortable as possible, despite the presence of tinnitus. Whether you're a frequent flyer or planning your first trip since the onset of tinnitus, understanding how to manage your symptoms can make a significant difference in your travel experience. Let's delve into the strategies that can help you maintain equilibrium, both in the air and with your tinnitus, as you embark on your next flight. 

Understanding Tinnitus and Air Travel

For many, flying can be a stressful experience at the best of times. But for those with tinnitus, the experience of flying introduces a new range of environmental factors that could potentially worsen the condition. Understanding these factors is the first step in managing tinnitus effectively during air travel.

The Effect of Cabin Pressure

The most significant concern for tinnitus sufferers is how the rapid pressure changes during takeoff and landing can affect ear pressure. Will it increase the ringing or humming sounds? Will it increase discomfort? These changes of pressure are often felt as a popping sensation when a plane ascends or descends. This sensation is due to the action of the Eustachian Tubes, which serve to protect the middle ear by balancing pressure on either side of the eardrum. These tubes function by allowing a small amount of air to pass into the middle ear, correcting any pressure differences that may occur, such as during flying or diving, thereby alleviating discomfort. Individuals with tinnitus, however, may experience this discomfort more intensely. 

Noise Exposure

Other than the pressure from the aeroplane, there are also other factors that might need to be taken into account for tinnitus sufferers. Engine noise may certainly be one of those. The constant drone of the plane's engine can be loud, and for some, this may aggravate tinnitus.

In addition, Other sounds within the cabin - from conversations to the clinking of service carts - can also contribute to a noisy environment that may impact tinnitus.

Tips for a Comfortable Flight with Tinnitus

Whilst there may be feelings of anxiety prior to flying for those suffering from tinnitus, there is no reason why - with the right precautions - one could not have an enjoyable flying experience. Let’s take a look at some tips. 

Pre-Flight Preparations

  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water before and during the flight to help maintain the health of the mucous membranes in the ears and nose. 
  • Avoiding Certain Substances: Alcohol and caffeine can dehydrate you and potentially worsen tinnitus symptoms, so it's best to avoid them before and during your flight.

During the Flight

  • Pressure Management Techniques: Simple actions like swallowing, yawning, or chewing gum can help activate the muscles that open the Eustachian tubes. This helps in the pressure equalization process. These methods are used by many people, even those who do not suffer from tinnitus, to help alleviate ear pain during flights. 
  • Staying Awake During Descent: Being awake and actively managing ear pressure during the plane's descent can also be important, as this is when the most significant pressure changes occur. This will avoid any painful wake-ups. 

In the next section, we will discuss specific strategies for managing tinnitus symptoms while in the air, including the use of ear protection and the selection of seating to minimise noise exposure.

Managing Tinnitus Symptoms In-Flight

For those with tinnitus, managing symptoms while in the air is key to a comfortable flight. Here are some strategies to help control tinnitus symptoms during your journey:

Use of Ear Protection

  • Noise-Cancelling Headphones: These can be a valuable tool for reducing the impact of engine noise and cabin chatter. By cancelling out ambient sounds, they can help some individuals manage their tinnitus more effectively.
  • Earplugs: For those who prefer a quieter environment, earplugs can help dampen the noise. High-fidelity earplugs designed for musicians can reduce noise levels without distorting sound, which may be beneficial for tinnitus sufferers. 

Masking Tinnitus with Background Noise

  • Seating Position: Choosing a seat away from the engines, such as towards the front of the plane, can reduce the level of noise exposure. Don’t be afraid to ask to swap seats if you find yourself in a particularly noisy area of the plane. 
  • In-Flight Entertainment: Using the in-flight entertainment system or personal devices to listen to music, audiobooks, or white noise can provide a helpful distraction from tinnitus. The Oto App has a sounds function that may also be useful. 

Stress and Anxiety Management

Sometimes the stress and anxiety associated with flying can be the worst part of having tinnitus on an aeroplane. Fortunately, there are relaxation techniques available that you can incorporate into your travel routine.

Techniques de relaxation

Reaching a state of relaxation can be really important to alleviate the symptoms or stresses of tinnitus. Practising deep breathing exercises can help assist stress and potentially reduce the perception of tinnitus. In addition, mindfulness and meditation can be a crucial aid. Engaging in mindfulness practices or meditation can help focus the mind away from tinnitus and reduce anxiety levels. Taking a few minutes to focus on your breathing - as it goes in and out - can lower stress levels. 

Psychological Aspect of Tinnitus

Being aware of and challenging negative thoughts about flying with tinnitus can help reduce the psychological impact of the condition. In addition, understanding what to expect and how to manage tinnitus can alleviate the fear and anxiety associated with flying.

In the following section, we'll look at what to do after your flight to continue managing tinnitus effectively and when it might be necessary to seek further medical advice.

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Post-Flight Care

After landing, it's important to stay aware of how you’re feeling - both physically and in your well-being - to ensure a smooth transition back to your daily routine. Here are some post-flight tips and considerations:

Monitoring Tinnitus Symptoms

  • Assess Changes: Lightly notice if there have been any changes in your tinnitus symptoms after the flight. An increase in symptom severity is not uncommon due to pressure changes and noise exposure. The aim is not to keep thinking about the condition, but merely to check in with yourself.
  • Rest and Recovery: Allow your body and ears time to rest and recover, especially after long-haul flights. Adequate sleep can help mitigate the stress response and potentially lessen tinnitus symptoms.

When to Seek Medical Advice

  • Persistent Symptoms: If you notice a significant and persistent change in your tinnitus or if symptoms continue to worsen, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional or an audiologist.
  • Ear Pain or Discomfort: Any pain, discomfort, or a feeling of fullness in the ears after flying should be evaluated by a medical professional.


Flying with tinnitus can present challenges, but with the right knowledge and strategies, it is possible to have a comfortable and stress-free travel experience. By preparing in advance, managing ear pressure during the flight, and taking care of your ears post-flight, you can minimize the impact of tinnitus on your journey.

Remember, while tinnitus can be exacerbated by flying, these effects are typically temporary and manageable. With careful planning and self-care, individuals with tinnitus can continue to explore the world by air without undue discomfort. 

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