Treatments for Misophonia: The Phobia of Sounds

Explore effective treatments for misophonia, including sound therapy, psychological support, and lifestyle changes, tailored to manage the intense emotional reactions to specific sounds.
Dr Edmund Farrar
Written by: 
Dr Edmund Farrar

Misophonia is a dislike or phobia of sounds. This condition, characterised by an extreme sensitivity to specific noises, triggers an intense emotional and physiological response in sufferers. Whilst there are many sounds that can annoy people, such as a knife scratching on a plate or chalk on a chalkboard, misophonia takes it to the next step. Ordinary sounds - such as chewing, pen tapping, or sniffling - can provoke a fight-or-flight reaction that is disproportionate to the actual threat or annoyance posed by the noise. But are there any treatments that can help alleviate the symptoms of misophonia? Let’s find out together. 

Understanding Misophonia

Let’s first understand what misophonia is and what it feels like. Misophonia is distinguished by an immediate, intense emotional response to certain sounds, which are often repetitive or pattern-based. Noises that others wouldn’t even notice, can become distressing to those with this condition. These trigger sounds vary widely among individuals but commonly include:

  • Oral sounds: such as chewing, lip-smacking, or swallowing
  • Nasal noises: like sniffling or breathing
  • Everyday sounds: such as finger tapping, pen clicking, and keyboard typing
  • Environmental sounds: such as the ticking of a clock or dripping water

Symptoms of Misophonia

These sounds, when heard, can lead to a variety of emotional, physical and behavioural symptoms. 


  • Anger or rage
  • Disgust
  • Anxiety or panic
  • A need to escape the situation


  • Increased heart rate
  • Sweating
  • Muscle tension


  • Violent or non-violent reaction to the sound
  • Leaving situations with these noises
  • Avoiding situations with these noises

It’s important to remember that those suffering from misophonia can be triggered in a variety of ways. The severity of these symptoms can vary from mild annoyance to severe disruption of daily life, potentially impacting relationships, academic performance, and workplace productivity. Misophonia is not simply a dislike of certain sounds; it is a strong emotional and physiological response that the individual cannot control or "just get over."

Diagnosis of Misophonia

Currently, experts do not know with absolute certainty what causes misophonia. In addition, it is not officially recognized as a distinct psychiatric or neurological condition. This can make receiving a formal diagnosis challenging. However, healthcare providers typically follow a specific process to diagnose that may have the condition. Here’s how the process works:

Patient History

The first step is usually a detailed discussion of the individual's experiences with specific sounds, the emotional and physical reactions they provoke, and the impact on daily functioning.

Symptom Assessment

The next step is an evaluation of the severity and frequency of responses to trigger sounds, often using specialised questionnaires or scales designed to measure the impact of misophonia on quality of life.

Exclusion of Other Conditions

It’s always possible that the individual could be suffering from other conditions. It’s important to rule out related conditions such as tinnitus, hyperacusis (heightened sensitivity to sound), auditory processing disorders, anxiety disorders, or obsessive-compulsive disorder, which can have overlapping symptoms.

Referral to Specialists

In some cases, individuals may be referred to audiologists, psychologists, or psychiatrists who have experience with sound sensitivity issues for further evaluation. Given the complexity of misophonia, a multidisciplinary team may be involved in the diagnosis, including ENT specialists, audiologists, mental health professionals, and occupational therapists.

The diagnosis of misophonia is primarily based on the individual's subjective experience, and it is crucial for healthcare providers to listen to and validate these experiences, even in the absence of a formal diagnostic category.

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Treatments for Misophonia: Behavioural and Sound Therapies

So how can an individual treat misophonia? At present, behavioural and sound therapies form the cornerstone of misophonia treatment. These methods focus on reducing the intensity of emotional reactions to trigger sounds and improving overall quality of life. Let’s take a look at what these therapies include:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a widely used treatment that helps individuals understand and change their thought patterns and reactions to trigger sounds. It involves identifying negative thoughts and behaviours associated with misophonia and replacing them with more constructive responses. 

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)

Although originally developed for tinnitus, TRT has been adapted for misophonia. It combines directive counselling with sound therapy to help desensitize individuals to their trigger sounds.

Misophonia Management Protocol (MMP)

MMP is a specialized form of sound therapy that includes creating a sound hierarchy, starting with less bothersome sounds and gradually working up to more triggering ones, to desensitize the individual's reactions. You work up the list, and aim to alleviate the trigger those sounds have on the individual. 

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

MBSR is another form of therapy that incorporates mindfulness meditation to help individuals focus on the present moment and develop a nonjudgmental awareness of their reactions to trigger sounds.

It’s important to remember that treating misophonia might require a trial and error approach. It’s not one-size-fits-all. Also, each of these therapies requires guidance from a trained professional and may be used in combination to achieve the best results. The choice of therapy often depends on the individual's specific needs, the severity of their misophonia, and their personal preferences.

Lifestyle Adjustments and Coping Strategies

Living with misophonia can be challenging, but certain lifestyle adjustments and coping strategies can help individuals manage their symptoms and improve their daily functioning. These include:

Environmental Modifications

Making changes to one's environment can help minimize exposure to trigger sounds. This might involve using soundproofing materials, creating quiet spaces at home, or strategically planning seating in public places. You may also want to pick and choose the events that you go to. 

Use of Earplugs or Headphones

Wearing earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones can sometimes provide immediate relief from trigger noises. Some individuals may also benefit from listening to music or white noise to mask irritating sounds.

Communication Techniques

It takes courage to open up about any condition, but openly communicating with friends, family, and colleagues about misophonia can help them understand and create a supportive environment. It can also be helpful to discuss potential accommodations that could be made in shared spaces.

Stress Management

Since stress can exacerbate misophonia symptoms, engaging in stress-reducing activities such as exercise, yoga, or hobbies can be beneficial. Exercise can encourage a positive approach to life. 

Healthy Sleep Habits

Sleep can help alleviate a whole bunch of issues. Ensuring adequate and quality sleep can help reduce the overall stress levels and improve the ability to cope with trigger sounds.

Dietary Considerations

Some individuals find that certain foods or stimulants, like caffeine, can increase their sensitivity to trigger sounds. Monitoring and adjusting dietary choices may help manage misophonia symptoms.

Support Networks & Professional Help

Joining support groups, either in-person or online, can provide a platform to share experiences, strategies, and receive emotional support from others who understand the challenges of living with misophonia. In addition, regular check-ins with a therapist or counsellor can provide ongoing support and help refine coping strategies as needed.

It is important to remember that these lifestyle changes or coping strategies might not work for everyone, or they may need to be trialled and tested. But the key is to have a patient and empathetic approach to the condition. By incorporating these strategies into their daily lives, individuals with misophonia may be able to create a more controlled and supportive environment that helps them manage their condition more effectively.

Future Directions for Misophonia Treatment

As research into misophonia continues to grow, emerging therapies and future directions offer hope for new and improved treatment options. Long-term studies following individuals with misophonia can provide insights into the condition's progression and long-term outcomes of different treatment strategies. The hope is that the future for misophonia treatment will be more precise and helpful. These may include:


This therapy involves training individuals to gain control over their brain's response to trigger sounds using real-time feedback. While still in the experimental stages, it shows promise for helping people with misophonia modulate their reactions.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Enhancements

Ongoing developments in CBT aim to tailor this treatment more specifically to misophonia, focusing on the unique aspects of the condition.

Medication Research

Currently, there are no medications specifically approved for misophonia, but research into pharmacological treatments that target the auditory pathways or stress responses associated with misophonia is ongoing. In addition, investigations into the genetic components of misophonia may lead to a better understanding of the condition and potential personalized treatments.

Multidisciplinary Approaches

Often one kind of approach does not work. Combining various treatments, such as sound therapy with psychological support, may provide more comprehensive care for individuals with misophonia.

Public Awareness and Education

It’s important that, over time, more people become aware of misophonia. Efforts to increase public awareness and understanding of this condition can lead to greater empathy and accommodation in social, educational, and professional environments.

Technology Aids

More companies are developing new apps and devices that can help individuals manage their triggers of misophonia in real-time. This is an area of active development.

As these emerging therapies and research avenues progress, they hold the potential to significantly improve the quality of life for those with misophonia. It is an evolving field, and with continued attention and resources, the future for treating misophonia does look promising.


Misophonia, characterised by intense emotional reactions to specific sounds, presents a unique and challenging condition for both sufferers and clinicians. The journey to managing misophonia is highly personal, with treatments varying in effectiveness from person to person. As we have explored, a combination of therapies including sound therapy, psychological interventions, and lifestyle modifications form the cornerstone of current treatment strategies.

The importance of a tailored approach cannot be overstated; what provides relief for one individual may not for another. This necessitates a close partnership between patients and a multidisciplinary team of healthcare providers to navigate the complexities of misophonia and to develop a personalized treatment plan.

So, while misophonia remains a relatively under-recognized and under-researched condition, the landscape is changing. With each new study, therapy, and shared experience, we move closer to a world where misophonia can be effectively managed, allowing individuals to live more comfortably and with less distress from the cacophony of everyday sounds that most take for granted.

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Explore effective treatments for misophonia, including sound therapy, psychological support, and lifestyle changes, tailored to manage the intense emotional reactions to specific sounds.
Dr Edmund Farrar

Dr Edmund Farrar

Medically Reviewed by
Co-Founder & CEO of Oto

Treatments for Misophonia: The Phobia of Sounds

Misophonia is a dislike or phobia of sounds. This condition, characterised by an extreme sensitivity to specific noises, triggers an intense emotional and physiological response in sufferers. Whilst there are many sounds that can annoy people, such as a knife scratching on a plate or chalk on a chalkboard, misophonia takes it to the next step. Ordinary sounds - such as chewing, pen tapping, or sniffling - can provoke a fight-or-flight reaction that is disproportionate to the actual threat or annoyance posed by the noise. But are there any treatments that can help alleviate the symptoms of misophonia? Let’s find out together. 

Understanding Misophonia

Let’s first understand what misophonia is and what it feels like. Misophonia is distinguished by an immediate, intense emotional response to certain sounds, which are often repetitive or pattern-based. Noises that others wouldn’t even notice, can become distressing to those with this condition. These trigger sounds vary widely among individuals but commonly include:

  • Oral sounds: such as chewing, lip-smacking, or swallowing
  • Nasal noises: like sniffling or breathing
  • Everyday sounds: such as finger tapping, pen clicking, and keyboard typing
  • Environmental sounds: such as the ticking of a clock or dripping water

Symptoms of Misophonia

These sounds, when heard, can lead to a variety of emotional, physical and behavioural symptoms. 


  • Anger or rage
  • Disgust
  • Anxiety or panic
  • A need to escape the situation


  • Increased heart rate
  • Sweating
  • Muscle tension


  • Violent or non-violent reaction to the sound
  • Leaving situations with these noises
  • Avoiding situations with these noises

It’s important to remember that those suffering from misophonia can be triggered in a variety of ways. The severity of these symptoms can vary from mild annoyance to severe disruption of daily life, potentially impacting relationships, academic performance, and workplace productivity. Misophonia is not simply a dislike of certain sounds; it is a strong emotional and physiological response that the individual cannot control or "just get over."

Diagnosis of Misophonia

Currently, experts do not know with absolute certainty what causes misophonia. In addition, it is not officially recognized as a distinct psychiatric or neurological condition. This can make receiving a formal diagnosis challenging. However, healthcare providers typically follow a specific process to diagnose that may have the condition. Here’s how the process works:

Patient History

The first step is usually a detailed discussion of the individual's experiences with specific sounds, the emotional and physical reactions they provoke, and the impact on daily functioning.

Symptom Assessment

The next step is an evaluation of the severity and frequency of responses to trigger sounds, often using specialised questionnaires or scales designed to measure the impact of misophonia on quality of life.

Exclusion of Other Conditions

It’s always possible that the individual could be suffering from other conditions. It’s important to rule out related conditions such as tinnitus, hyperacusis (heightened sensitivity to sound), auditory processing disorders, anxiety disorders, or obsessive-compulsive disorder, which can have overlapping symptoms.

Referral to Specialists

In some cases, individuals may be referred to audiologists, psychologists, or psychiatrists who have experience with sound sensitivity issues for further evaluation. Given the complexity of misophonia, a multidisciplinary team may be involved in the diagnosis, including ENT specialists, audiologists, mental health professionals, and occupational therapists.

The diagnosis of misophonia is primarily based on the individual's subjective experience, and it is crucial for healthcare providers to listen to and validate these experiences, even in the absence of a formal diagnostic category.

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Treatments for Misophonia: Behavioural and Sound Therapies

So how can an individual treat misophonia? At present, behavioural and sound therapies form the cornerstone of misophonia treatment. These methods focus on reducing the intensity of emotional reactions to trigger sounds and improving overall quality of life. Let’s take a look at what these therapies include:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a widely used treatment that helps individuals understand and change their thought patterns and reactions to trigger sounds. It involves identifying negative thoughts and behaviours associated with misophonia and replacing them with more constructive responses. 

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)

Although originally developed for tinnitus, TRT has been adapted for misophonia. It combines directive counselling with sound therapy to help desensitize individuals to their trigger sounds.

Misophonia Management Protocol (MMP)

MMP is a specialized form of sound therapy that includes creating a sound hierarchy, starting with less bothersome sounds and gradually working up to more triggering ones, to desensitize the individual's reactions. You work up the list, and aim to alleviate the trigger those sounds have on the individual. 

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

MBSR is another form of therapy that incorporates mindfulness meditation to help individuals focus on the present moment and develop a nonjudgmental awareness of their reactions to trigger sounds.

It’s important to remember that treating misophonia might require a trial and error approach. It’s not one-size-fits-all. Also, each of these therapies requires guidance from a trained professional and may be used in combination to achieve the best results. The choice of therapy often depends on the individual's specific needs, the severity of their misophonia, and their personal preferences.

Lifestyle Adjustments and Coping Strategies

Living with misophonia can be challenging, but certain lifestyle adjustments and coping strategies can help individuals manage their symptoms and improve their daily functioning. These include:

Environmental Modifications

Making changes to one's environment can help minimize exposure to trigger sounds. This might involve using soundproofing materials, creating quiet spaces at home, or strategically planning seating in public places. You may also want to pick and choose the events that you go to. 

Use of Earplugs or Headphones

Wearing earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones can sometimes provide immediate relief from trigger noises. Some individuals may also benefit from listening to music or white noise to mask irritating sounds.

Communication Techniques

It takes courage to open up about any condition, but openly communicating with friends, family, and colleagues about misophonia can help them understand and create a supportive environment. It can also be helpful to discuss potential accommodations that could be made in shared spaces.

Stress Management

Since stress can exacerbate misophonia symptoms, engaging in stress-reducing activities such as exercise, yoga, or hobbies can be beneficial. Exercise can encourage a positive approach to life. 

Healthy Sleep Habits

Sleep can help alleviate a whole bunch of issues. Ensuring adequate and quality sleep can help reduce the overall stress levels and improve the ability to cope with trigger sounds.

Dietary Considerations

Some individuals find that certain foods or stimulants, like caffeine, can increase their sensitivity to trigger sounds. Monitoring and adjusting dietary choices may help manage misophonia symptoms.

Support Networks & Professional Help

Joining support groups, either in-person or online, can provide a platform to share experiences, strategies, and receive emotional support from others who understand the challenges of living with misophonia. In addition, regular check-ins with a therapist or counsellor can provide ongoing support and help refine coping strategies as needed.

It is important to remember that these lifestyle changes or coping strategies might not work for everyone, or they may need to be trialled and tested. But the key is to have a patient and empathetic approach to the condition. By incorporating these strategies into their daily lives, individuals with misophonia may be able to create a more controlled and supportive environment that helps them manage their condition more effectively.

Future Directions for Misophonia Treatment

As research into misophonia continues to grow, emerging therapies and future directions offer hope for new and improved treatment options. Long-term studies following individuals with misophonia can provide insights into the condition's progression and long-term outcomes of different treatment strategies. The hope is that the future for misophonia treatment will be more precise and helpful. These may include:


This therapy involves training individuals to gain control over their brain's response to trigger sounds using real-time feedback. While still in the experimental stages, it shows promise for helping people with misophonia modulate their reactions.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Enhancements

Ongoing developments in CBT aim to tailor this treatment more specifically to misophonia, focusing on the unique aspects of the condition.

Medication Research

Currently, there are no medications specifically approved for misophonia, but research into pharmacological treatments that target the auditory pathways or stress responses associated with misophonia is ongoing. In addition, investigations into the genetic components of misophonia may lead to a better understanding of the condition and potential personalized treatments.

Multidisciplinary Approaches

Often one kind of approach does not work. Combining various treatments, such as sound therapy with psychological support, may provide more comprehensive care for individuals with misophonia.

Public Awareness and Education

It’s important that, over time, more people become aware of misophonia. Efforts to increase public awareness and understanding of this condition can lead to greater empathy and accommodation in social, educational, and professional environments.

Technology Aids

More companies are developing new apps and devices that can help individuals manage their triggers of misophonia in real-time. This is an area of active development.

As these emerging therapies and research avenues progress, they hold the potential to significantly improve the quality of life for those with misophonia. It is an evolving field, and with continued attention and resources, the future for treating misophonia does look promising.


Misophonia, characterised by intense emotional reactions to specific sounds, presents a unique and challenging condition for both sufferers and clinicians. The journey to managing misophonia is highly personal, with treatments varying in effectiveness from person to person. As we have explored, a combination of therapies including sound therapy, psychological interventions, and lifestyle modifications form the cornerstone of current treatment strategies.

The importance of a tailored approach cannot be overstated; what provides relief for one individual may not for another. This necessitates a close partnership between patients and a multidisciplinary team of healthcare providers to navigate the complexities of misophonia and to develop a personalized treatment plan.

So, while misophonia remains a relatively under-recognized and under-researched condition, the landscape is changing. With each new study, therapy, and shared experience, we move closer to a world where misophonia can be effectively managed, allowing individuals to live more comfortably and with less distress from the cacophony of everyday sounds that most take for granted.

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