9 de diciembre de 2021

The ultimate guide to using ear plugs for tinnitus relief

Los tapones para los oídos pueden ser útiles para proteger la audición y reducir la intrusión del tinnitus. Oto le presenta todo lo que necesita saber sobre los tapones para los oídos y el tinnitus.
Alexandra Costlow, Au.D.
Written by: 
Alexandra Costlow, Au.D.

Do you find yourself constantly battling tinnitus symptoms and contemplating the use of ear plugs?

Various types, from foam ear plugs to custom-moulded devices, offer promising avenues for hearing protection and tinnitus alleviation. Each style is tailored for specific activities and individual needs. Yet, it's essential to be cautious. Using ear plugs inappropriately or too frequently can actually aggravate your tinnitus, turning a hopeful remedy into a setback.

Wondering how to navigate the world of ear plugs for effective tinnitus management? Continue reading as Oto unravels all you need to know to make an informed choice.

Can ear plugs worsen tinnitus?

Los mejores tapones para dormir; Tapones antirruido; Tapones para el tinnitus; Los tapones pueden provocar tinnitus; Enmascarador del tinnitus; Tapones para aliviar el tinnitus; Tapones para dormir

While ear plugs are often seen as a go-to solution for tinnitus relief, many people find that their symptoms worsen after using them. Why does this happen?

Tinnitus is essentially an internal noise, contrasting with the external sounds around you. When you insert ear plugs, you're reducing the environmental noise that naturally masks tinnitus, making the internal noise more prominent and bothersome.

In other words, when you reduce external noise by using ear plugs, you're tipping the auditory scale towards internal noise. This imbalance makes the tinnitus sound more prominent, as there's less environmental noise to mask it. It's like turning down the volume of background music in a room, making a conversation more audible.

If your hearing levels are normal, but tinnitus remains a nuisance, it may be beneficial to consult with an audiologist. You could also consider using a tinnitus masker. These devices fill your auditory environment with ambient sounds, masking or blending with the ringing to make it less intrusive.

Need help with your tinnitus?
Learn out to tune out tinnitus and tune back into life with Oto's clinically proven program
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How to use ear plugs properly for tinnitus management

Los mejores tapones para dormir; Tapones antirruido; Tapones para el tinnitus; Los tapones pueden provocar tinnitus; Enmascarador del tinnitus; Tapones para aliviar el tinnitus; Tapones para dormir

Carrying ear plugs for tinnitus relief is common, but knowing when and how to use them effectively is crucial. Improper use can lead to issues like reduced sound tolerance and even worsen your tinnitus symptoms.

When to use ear plugs

Understanding when sound becomes harmful is essential. According to guidelines from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the threshold for safe sound exposure is set at 85 decibels (dB). This is comparable to heavy city traffic or a busy restaurant. Exposure to this level of sound is considered safe for up to eight hours without causing permanent hearing damage.

For every increase of 3dB above 85dB, the safe exposure time is halved. For instance, a sound level of 88dB, which is comparable to a food blender, is safe for up to four hours. At 91dB, similar to a subway train, this drops to just two hours.

In a concert setting where sound levels can reach up to 120dB, the safety time is reduced to mere minutes. Hence, prolonged exposure to such high sound levels without proper hearing protection can lead to permanent hearing loss.

Risks of overuse

When you use ear plugs frequently, you're limiting the range of sounds that reach your auditory pathway. This leads to a phenomenon known as 'increased central gain'. In simple terms, your central nervous system compensates for the reduced auditory input by becoming more sensitive to softer sounds. For this reason, it's important to only use hearing protection on an as-needed basis. Incorrect usage or overuse can lead to a range of issues, including earwax impaction and ear infections. 

Hyperacusis and phonophobia

Extensive use can also result in reduced sound tolerance, known as hyperacusis, as the ear becomes more sensitive to normal sound levels. In such cases, even ordinary noises, like the hum of a refrigerator or the chatter of people, can become uncomfortably loud.

On the other hand, phonophobia is a condition characterised by an irrational fear of everyday sounds, such as the beep of an indicator or the closing of a door. Overuse of ear plugs can lead to reduced sound tolerance, making individuals more sensitive to everyday noises and potentially triggering or exacerbating phonophobia.

Unlike hyperacusis, which is a clinical form of sound intolerance, phonophobia has a psychological component that can disrupt daily activities like housework, commuting, and social interactions. Both conditions can significantly impact your quality of life, but there are effective treatment options available.

Recovery and adaptation

Upon removing ear plugs, many individuals experience a noticeable decrease in tinnitus symptoms. This immediate relief is often due to the reintroduction of external sounds, which help to mask the internal noise.

However, issues like phonophobia and hyperacusis may persist for a longer period. Over time, the central nervous system will gradually readjust, but in some cases, specialised therapies like sound therapy or cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) may be recommended. Through CBT, you can identify sound triggers, reframe your perception of them, and alter your behavioural responses to reduce fear and improve sound tolerance.

If you find yourself relying heavily on ear plugs, it may be beneficial to consult a healthcare professional for a comprehensive auditory evaluation. They can perform tests to assess your sound tolerance levels and determine whether you're experiencing phonophobia, hyperacusis, or simply reduced sound tolerance. They can also provide insights into how improper use of ear plugs might be affecting your tinnitus.

Types of tinnitus ear plugs

Tinnitus ear plugs work by reducing the intensity of external sounds and providing a barrier between the ears and the environment. Some are engineered to specifically address the frequencies that trigger tinnitus symptoms. By doing so, they effectively mask the disruptive ringing or buzzing noise. Each type comes with its own set of advantages and limitations.

Type of Ear Plug

Key Features



Special Notes

Foam Ear Plugs

Made from memory foam

Expands to fit ear canal

Effective for blocking ambient noise



Ideal for noisy environments like construction sites and air travel

May not provide a perfect fit for everyone

Proper insertion is crucial

Roll, insert while pulling ear upward and outward, and allow to expand

Custom-Moulded Ear Plugs

Tailored to fit unique ear shape 

Optimal noise reduction

Provides a snug fit

Effective for severe tinnitus symptoms

More expensive

Requires fitting

Often recommended for individuals requiring a personalised solution

Electronic Ear Plugs

Incorporates technology to reduce tinnitus intensity and amplify ambient sounds

Allows engagement with environment

Dual functionality

Most expensive

May require batteries

Suitable for those who want to balance tinnitus relief with environmental awareness

Silicone Ear Plugs

Made from mouldable silicone

Forms a waterproof seal

Ideal for swimming and water activities

Can be moulded to fit

Not as effective for high-decibel noise reduction

Good for water-based activities

Not ideal for loud environments

Filtered Ear Plugs

Contains acoustic filters that allow certain frequencies through

Allows you to hear conversations and important sounds while blocking harmful noise

May be less effective for severe tinnitus symptoms

Useful for social settings or work environments where communication is important

High-Fidelity Ear Plugs

Designed to reduce sound levels evenly across frequencies

Preserves sound quality

Ideal for musicians and concert-goers

May be more expensive

Not specifically designed for tinnitus management

Great for music lovers who want to protect their hearing without sacrificing sound quality

Noise-Cancelling Ear Plugs

Uses active noise-cancelling technology to reduce ambient noise

Effective for constant, low-frequency noise like engine hums

Requires batteries

May be expensive

Ideal for travel, especially on aeroplanes or trains

Tapones para el tinnitus

Los mejores tapones para dormir; Tapones antirruido; Tapones para el tinnitus; Los tapones pueden provocar tinnitus; Enmascarador del tinnitus; Tapones para aliviar el tinnitus; Tapones para dormir

Hay situaciones en las que los tapones para el tinnitus están justificados para proteger la audición y reducir la intrusión del zumbido: cuando el sonido es excesivamente alto, como en un concierto, un acontecimiento deportivo, el uso de herramientas eléctricas, la conducción de vehículos a motor u otras aficiones o actividades ruidosas. Independientemente de su finalidad, los tapones nunca deben doler ni causar molestias, y deben sentirse seguros en el oído.

Para que le hagan unos tapones a medida, consulte a un audiólogo que pueda examinarle el oído, tomarle una impresión, seleccionar el tapón y las características óptimas y enseñarle a colocárselo, quitárselo y limpiarlo.

Existe una gran variedad de tapones para los oídos especialmente adaptados a situaciones auditivas concretas.

Los mejores tapones para dormir; Tapones antirruido; Tapones para el tinnitus; Los tapones pueden provocar tinnitus; Enmascarador del tinnitus; Tapones para aliviar el tinnitus; Tapones para dormir

Para los músicos, los tapones a medida reducen el sonido por igual en todo el espectro de frecuencias, de modo que la música conserva una alta fidelidad de los componentes espectrales (es decir, graves y agudos). Los tapones para músicos pueden tener distintos niveles de atenuación, que suelen oscilar entre 9 dB (atenuación leve), 15 dB (atenuación moderada) y 25 dB (atenuación considerable).

Losmonitores intrauditivos también ofrecen atenuación del sonido, así como transmisión directa del sonido desde una fuente de audio para una buena fidelidad en el escenario. Suelen utilizarlos los músicos profesionales.

Tapones de natación

Los tapones de natación son útiles para evitar que entre agua en el conducto auditivo durante la ducha, el baño, la natación u otras actividades que impliquen agua. Si le preocupa que le entre agua en los oídos, considere un tapón de natación de venta libre o un tapón de natación a medida moldeado específicamente para sus oídos.

Los aspectos más importantes de los tapones de natación son que se ajusten al oído de forma segura y cómoda, y que impidan realmente la entrada de agua en el conducto auditivo.

Si no prefieres utilizar tapones de natación para bañarte o nadar, puedes secar el oído externo dando golpecitos con una toalla para mantenerlo sano y seco. En los oídos sanos, una pequeña cantidad de humedad no es perjudicial y se secará por sí sola.

Recomendamos los tapones Happy Ears para nadar. Son ecológicos y están diseñados para personas con tinnitus.

Los mejores tapones para dormir

Los mejores tapones para dormir; Tapones antirruido; Tapones para el tinnitus; Los tapones pueden provocar tinnitus; Enmascarador del tinnitus; Tapones para aliviar el tinnitus; Tapones para dormir

Los tapones para los oídos pueden ser una gran herramienta para las personas que desean reducir el ruido ambiental que de otro modo no podrían eliminar (como el ruido de los vecinos o de la calle). Además, confieren al usuario una sensación de control sobre su capacidad para reducir los ruidos molestos y conseguir un sueño reparador.

Los tapones para dormir personalizados de Westone pueden atenuar el sonido entre 37 y 39 dB. Un audiólogo debe tomar una impresión del oído y encargar los tapones a Westone o a otro fabricante de auriculares.

Si buscas una solución barata y sencilla, prueba los tapones de espuma Mack's Ultra Soft, que reducen el sonido hasta 33 dB y están a la venta en Amazon. Los tapones de espuma también se pueden comprar en la mayoría de farmacias y otros establecimientos minoristas.

Si lo que le preocupa es el tinnitus (en lugar de reducir el ruido), considere la posibilidad de utilizar una almohada para tinnitus o una máquina de ruido blanco. También es útil practicar una buena higiene del sueño y consultar cómo dormir con tinnitus.

Tapones antirruido

Los mejores tapones para dormir; Tapones antirruido; Tapones para el tinnitus; Los tapones pueden provocar tinnitus; Enmascarador del tinnitus; Tapones para aliviar el tinnitus; Tapones para dormir

Para las personas que desean reducir la intrusión de un entorno ruidoso durante las horas de vigilia, los tapones antirruido pueden ser una buena solución. Técnicamente, los tapones antirruido funcionan de dos formas:

  1. Impedir que el sonido penetre en el canal auditivo (lo que se conoce como cancelación pasiva del ruido), como los tapones de espuma.
  2. Producir un sonido de fondo agradable y no interesante para enmascarar los sonidos ambientales molestos (lo que se conoce como cancelación activa del ruido).

Entre los ejemplos de auriculares que utilizan la cancelación activa del ruido (además de cierto grado de cancelación pasiva del ruido) se incluyen:

Los auriculares con cancelación de ruido Bose QuietComfort cuentan con control táctil, cancelación de ruido controlable y posibilidad de recarga

Los auriculares Momentum True Wireless 2 de Sennheiser ofrecen una opción cómoda y discreta de auriculares inalámbricos con cancelación de ruido

Una consideración importante en relación con la cancelación del ruido es que debe utilizarse en función de las necesidades, ya que un uso excesivo (es decir, todo o casi todo el tiempo) puede provocar un aumento de las molestias por tinnitus y sensibilidad al sonido. Además de los auriculares de botón, también existen auriculares con cancelación de ruido para el tinnitus.

Discover Oto: Your trusted digital ally in tackling tinnitus 

Struggling with the constant noise of tinnitus? Oto is here to help you reclaim your life. Developed by a team of experts who personally understand the challenges of tinnitus, the comprehensive mobile platform delivers expertly designed content to help you sleep better, focus more, and learn effective coping strategies.

¿Por qué elegir Oto?

Unlike other solutions that focus solely on hardware or traditional therapies, Oto leverages the proven effectiveness of CBT, the most effective way to deal with tinnitus. Our digital programs are a unique blend of medical expertise and personal understanding, offering a reliable path to tuning out tinnitus.

  • 1-1 Support: Combine expert video coaching sessions with our mobile app for a comprehensive support plan.
  • Success Stories: Learn from others who have successfully managed their condition through our app.
  • Free Consultation: Subscribers can make use of a complimentary consultation with a tinnitus expert.

What sets Oto apart?

Oto doesn't aim to mask or treat the sound of tinnitus. Instead, we help you tune it out, thereby reducing its impact on your life. Our audio sessions range from three to 30 minutes and are designed to equip you with the mental tools to live better with tinnitus.

Download Oto from the App Store or Google Play and start your journey towards a more peaceful life today!

Preguntas frecuentes

Can earplugs cause or worsen tinnitus?

In certain situations, it is possible ear plugs can worsen tinnitus. This can be because earplugs reduce the amount of surround sound reaching the ears, which allows the internal noise from tinnitus to become more noticeable. However, earplugs can also help protect your ears from excessive noise in loud environments.

What is the proper way to use earplugs when suffering from tinnitus?

Earplugs should ideally be used only when you really need them. Any prolonged sound exceeding 85dB is considered harmful and may require the use of earplugs to protect from damaging your ears. However, overuse can cause reduced sound tolerance, hyperacusis and exacerbated tinnitus as the reduction in environmental sounds can make one’s tinnitus sound louder.

What is the difference between phonophobia and hyperacusis?

Phonophobia is defined as the fear of everyday sounds. This can affect one's daily life. Hyperacusis, on the other hand, is a clinical form of sound intolerance. Both managed by an audiologist.

When is it recommended to use earplugs for tinnitus?

Knowing when to use earplugs for tinnitus can be confusing. Earplugs are best used in situations where loud sounds are more prominent. This includes concerts, sporting events, or when using noisy power tools. It can also be beneficial to use custom earplugs. These are designed for specific situations, such as: musician earplugs or swim plugs.

Which are the best earplugs to use when sleeping?

Earplugs can help reduce environmental noise during sleep. We recommend trying Westone's Custom Sleep Plugs, which can reduce sound by 37-39dB. Alternatively, Mack's Ultra Soft Foam Earplugs can also reduce sound by up to 33dB. These are readily available on Amazon.

How do noise-cancelling earplugs work?

Noise-cancelling earplugs work in two ways. The first, is by blocking sound from entering the ear canal. This is referred to as passive noise cancellation. The second, is by creating a background sound to mask unwanted environmental sounds. This is known as active noise cancellation.

Need help with your tinnitus?
Learn out to tune out tinnitus and tune back into life with Oto's clinically proven program
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Los tapones para los oídos pueden ser útiles para proteger la audición y reducir la intrusión del tinnitus. Oto le presenta todo lo que necesita saber sobre los tapones para los oídos y el tinnitus.
Alexandra Costlow, Au.D.

Alexandra Costlow, Au.D.

Revisado médicamente por
Audiólogo y especialista en acúfenos
9 de diciembre de 2021

The ultimate guide to using ear plugs for tinnitus relief

Do you find yourself constantly battling tinnitus symptoms and contemplating the use of ear plugs?

Various types, from foam ear plugs to custom-moulded devices, offer promising avenues for hearing protection and tinnitus alleviation. Each style is tailored for specific activities and individual needs. Yet, it's essential to be cautious. Using ear plugs inappropriately or too frequently can actually aggravate your tinnitus, turning a hopeful remedy into a setback.

Wondering how to navigate the world of ear plugs for effective tinnitus management? Continue reading as Oto unravels all you need to know to make an informed choice.

Can ear plugs worsen tinnitus?

Los mejores tapones para dormir; Tapones antirruido; Tapones para el tinnitus; Los tapones pueden provocar tinnitus; Enmascarador del tinnitus; Tapones para aliviar el tinnitus; Tapones para dormir

While ear plugs are often seen as a go-to solution for tinnitus relief, many people find that their symptoms worsen after using them. Why does this happen?

Tinnitus is essentially an internal noise, contrasting with the external sounds around you. When you insert ear plugs, you're reducing the environmental noise that naturally masks tinnitus, making the internal noise more prominent and bothersome.

In other words, when you reduce external noise by using ear plugs, you're tipping the auditory scale towards internal noise. This imbalance makes the tinnitus sound more prominent, as there's less environmental noise to mask it. It's like turning down the volume of background music in a room, making a conversation more audible.

If your hearing levels are normal, but tinnitus remains a nuisance, it may be beneficial to consult with an audiologist. You could also consider using a tinnitus masker. These devices fill your auditory environment with ambient sounds, masking or blending with the ringing to make it less intrusive.

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How to use ear plugs properly for tinnitus management

Los mejores tapones para dormir; Tapones antirruido; Tapones para el tinnitus; Los tapones pueden provocar tinnitus; Enmascarador del tinnitus; Tapones para aliviar el tinnitus; Tapones para dormir

Carrying ear plugs for tinnitus relief is common, but knowing when and how to use them effectively is crucial. Improper use can lead to issues like reduced sound tolerance and even worsen your tinnitus symptoms.

When to use ear plugs

Understanding when sound becomes harmful is essential. According to guidelines from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the threshold for safe sound exposure is set at 85 decibels (dB). This is comparable to heavy city traffic or a busy restaurant. Exposure to this level of sound is considered safe for up to eight hours without causing permanent hearing damage.

For every increase of 3dB above 85dB, the safe exposure time is halved. For instance, a sound level of 88dB, which is comparable to a food blender, is safe for up to four hours. At 91dB, similar to a subway train, this drops to just two hours.

In a concert setting where sound levels can reach up to 120dB, the safety time is reduced to mere minutes. Hence, prolonged exposure to such high sound levels without proper hearing protection can lead to permanent hearing loss.

Risks of overuse

When you use ear plugs frequently, you're limiting the range of sounds that reach your auditory pathway. This leads to a phenomenon known as 'increased central gain'. In simple terms, your central nervous system compensates for the reduced auditory input by becoming more sensitive to softer sounds. For this reason, it's important to only use hearing protection on an as-needed basis. Incorrect usage or overuse can lead to a range of issues, including earwax impaction and ear infections. 

Hyperacusis and phonophobia

Extensive use can also result in reduced sound tolerance, known as hyperacusis, as the ear becomes more sensitive to normal sound levels. In such cases, even ordinary noises, like the hum of a refrigerator or the chatter of people, can become uncomfortably loud.

On the other hand, phonophobia is a condition characterised by an irrational fear of everyday sounds, such as the beep of an indicator or the closing of a door. Overuse of ear plugs can lead to reduced sound tolerance, making individuals more sensitive to everyday noises and potentially triggering or exacerbating phonophobia.

Unlike hyperacusis, which is a clinical form of sound intolerance, phonophobia has a psychological component that can disrupt daily activities like housework, commuting, and social interactions. Both conditions can significantly impact your quality of life, but there are effective treatment options available.

Recovery and adaptation

Upon removing ear plugs, many individuals experience a noticeable decrease in tinnitus symptoms. This immediate relief is often due to the reintroduction of external sounds, which help to mask the internal noise.

However, issues like phonophobia and hyperacusis may persist for a longer period. Over time, the central nervous system will gradually readjust, but in some cases, specialised therapies like sound therapy or cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) may be recommended. Through CBT, you can identify sound triggers, reframe your perception of them, and alter your behavioural responses to reduce fear and improve sound tolerance.

If you find yourself relying heavily on ear plugs, it may be beneficial to consult a healthcare professional for a comprehensive auditory evaluation. They can perform tests to assess your sound tolerance levels and determine whether you're experiencing phonophobia, hyperacusis, or simply reduced sound tolerance. They can also provide insights into how improper use of ear plugs might be affecting your tinnitus.

Types of tinnitus ear plugs

Tinnitus ear plugs work by reducing the intensity of external sounds and providing a barrier between the ears and the environment. Some are engineered to specifically address the frequencies that trigger tinnitus symptoms. By doing so, they effectively mask the disruptive ringing or buzzing noise. Each type comes with its own set of advantages and limitations.

Type of Ear Plug

Key Features



Special Notes

Foam Ear Plugs

Made from memory foam

Expands to fit ear canal

Effective for blocking ambient noise



Ideal for noisy environments like construction sites and air travel

May not provide a perfect fit for everyone

Proper insertion is crucial

Roll, insert while pulling ear upward and outward, and allow to expand

Custom-Moulded Ear Plugs

Tailored to fit unique ear shape 

Optimal noise reduction

Provides a snug fit

Effective for severe tinnitus symptoms

More expensive

Requires fitting

Often recommended for individuals requiring a personalised solution

Electronic Ear Plugs

Incorporates technology to reduce tinnitus intensity and amplify ambient sounds

Allows engagement with environment

Dual functionality

Most expensive

May require batteries

Suitable for those who want to balance tinnitus relief with environmental awareness

Silicone Ear Plugs

Made from mouldable silicone

Forms a waterproof seal

Ideal for swimming and water activities

Can be moulded to fit

Not as effective for high-decibel noise reduction

Good for water-based activities

Not ideal for loud environments

Filtered Ear Plugs

Contains acoustic filters that allow certain frequencies through

Allows you to hear conversations and important sounds while blocking harmful noise

May be less effective for severe tinnitus symptoms

Useful for social settings or work environments where communication is important

High-Fidelity Ear Plugs

Designed to reduce sound levels evenly across frequencies

Preserves sound quality

Ideal for musicians and concert-goers

May be more expensive

Not specifically designed for tinnitus management

Great for music lovers who want to protect their hearing without sacrificing sound quality

Noise-Cancelling Ear Plugs

Uses active noise-cancelling technology to reduce ambient noise

Effective for constant, low-frequency noise like engine hums

Requires batteries

May be expensive

Ideal for travel, especially on aeroplanes or trains

Tapones para el tinnitus

Los mejores tapones para dormir; Tapones antirruido; Tapones para el tinnitus; Los tapones pueden provocar tinnitus; Enmascarador del tinnitus; Tapones para aliviar el tinnitus; Tapones para dormir

Hay situaciones en las que los tapones para el tinnitus están justificados para proteger la audición y reducir la intrusión del zumbido: cuando el sonido es excesivamente alto, como en un concierto, un acontecimiento deportivo, el uso de herramientas eléctricas, la conducción de vehículos a motor u otras aficiones o actividades ruidosas. Independientemente de su finalidad, los tapones nunca deben doler ni causar molestias, y deben sentirse seguros en el oído.

Para que le hagan unos tapones a medida, consulte a un audiólogo que pueda examinarle el oído, tomarle una impresión, seleccionar el tapón y las características óptimas y enseñarle a colocárselo, quitárselo y limpiarlo.

Existe una gran variedad de tapones para los oídos especialmente adaptados a situaciones auditivas concretas.

Los mejores tapones para dormir; Tapones antirruido; Tapones para el tinnitus; Los tapones pueden provocar tinnitus; Enmascarador del tinnitus; Tapones para aliviar el tinnitus; Tapones para dormir

Para los músicos, los tapones a medida reducen el sonido por igual en todo el espectro de frecuencias, de modo que la música conserva una alta fidelidad de los componentes espectrales (es decir, graves y agudos). Los tapones para músicos pueden tener distintos niveles de atenuación, que suelen oscilar entre 9 dB (atenuación leve), 15 dB (atenuación moderada) y 25 dB (atenuación considerable).

Losmonitores intrauditivos también ofrecen atenuación del sonido, así como transmisión directa del sonido desde una fuente de audio para una buena fidelidad en el escenario. Suelen utilizarlos los músicos profesionales.

Tapones de natación

Los tapones de natación son útiles para evitar que entre agua en el conducto auditivo durante la ducha, el baño, la natación u otras actividades que impliquen agua. Si le preocupa que le entre agua en los oídos, considere un tapón de natación de venta libre o un tapón de natación a medida moldeado específicamente para sus oídos.

Los aspectos más importantes de los tapones de natación son que se ajusten al oído de forma segura y cómoda, y que impidan realmente la entrada de agua en el conducto auditivo.

Si no prefieres utilizar tapones de natación para bañarte o nadar, puedes secar el oído externo dando golpecitos con una toalla para mantenerlo sano y seco. En los oídos sanos, una pequeña cantidad de humedad no es perjudicial y se secará por sí sola.

Recomendamos los tapones Happy Ears para nadar. Son ecológicos y están diseñados para personas con tinnitus.

Los mejores tapones para dormir

Los mejores tapones para dormir; Tapones antirruido; Tapones para el tinnitus; Los tapones pueden provocar tinnitus; Enmascarador del tinnitus; Tapones para aliviar el tinnitus; Tapones para dormir

Los tapones para los oídos pueden ser una gran herramienta para las personas que desean reducir el ruido ambiental que de otro modo no podrían eliminar (como el ruido de los vecinos o de la calle). Además, confieren al usuario una sensación de control sobre su capacidad para reducir los ruidos molestos y conseguir un sueño reparador.

Los tapones para dormir personalizados de Westone pueden atenuar el sonido entre 37 y 39 dB. Un audiólogo debe tomar una impresión del oído y encargar los tapones a Westone o a otro fabricante de auriculares.

Si buscas una solución barata y sencilla, prueba los tapones de espuma Mack's Ultra Soft, que reducen el sonido hasta 33 dB y están a la venta en Amazon. Los tapones de espuma también se pueden comprar en la mayoría de farmacias y otros establecimientos minoristas.

Si lo que le preocupa es el tinnitus (en lugar de reducir el ruido), considere la posibilidad de utilizar una almohada para tinnitus o una máquina de ruido blanco. También es útil practicar una buena higiene del sueño y consultar cómo dormir con tinnitus.

Tapones antirruido

Los mejores tapones para dormir; Tapones antirruido; Tapones para el tinnitus; Los tapones pueden provocar tinnitus; Enmascarador del tinnitus; Tapones para aliviar el tinnitus; Tapones para dormir

Para las personas que desean reducir la intrusión de un entorno ruidoso durante las horas de vigilia, los tapones antirruido pueden ser una buena solución. Técnicamente, los tapones antirruido funcionan de dos formas:

  1. Impedir que el sonido penetre en el canal auditivo (lo que se conoce como cancelación pasiva del ruido), como los tapones de espuma.
  2. Producir un sonido de fondo agradable y no interesante para enmascarar los sonidos ambientales molestos (lo que se conoce como cancelación activa del ruido).

Entre los ejemplos de auriculares que utilizan la cancelación activa del ruido (además de cierto grado de cancelación pasiva del ruido) se incluyen:

Los auriculares con cancelación de ruido Bose QuietComfort cuentan con control táctil, cancelación de ruido controlable y posibilidad de recarga

Los auriculares Momentum True Wireless 2 de Sennheiser ofrecen una opción cómoda y discreta de auriculares inalámbricos con cancelación de ruido

Una consideración importante en relación con la cancelación del ruido es que debe utilizarse en función de las necesidades, ya que un uso excesivo (es decir, todo o casi todo el tiempo) puede provocar un aumento de las molestias por tinnitus y sensibilidad al sonido. Además de los auriculares de botón, también existen auriculares con cancelación de ruido para el tinnitus.

Discover Oto: Your trusted digital ally in tackling tinnitus 

Struggling with the constant noise of tinnitus? Oto is here to help you reclaim your life. Developed by a team of experts who personally understand the challenges of tinnitus, the comprehensive mobile platform delivers expertly designed content to help you sleep better, focus more, and learn effective coping strategies.

¿Por qué elegir Oto?

Unlike other solutions that focus solely on hardware or traditional therapies, Oto leverages the proven effectiveness of CBT, the most effective way to deal with tinnitus. Our digital programs are a unique blend of medical expertise and personal understanding, offering a reliable path to tuning out tinnitus.

  • 1-1 Support: Combine expert video coaching sessions with our mobile app for a comprehensive support plan.
  • Success Stories: Learn from others who have successfully managed their condition through our app.
  • Free Consultation: Subscribers can make use of a complimentary consultation with a tinnitus expert.

What sets Oto apart?

Oto doesn't aim to mask or treat the sound of tinnitus. Instead, we help you tune it out, thereby reducing its impact on your life. Our audio sessions range from three to 30 minutes and are designed to equip you with the mental tools to live better with tinnitus.

Download Oto from the App Store or Google Play and start your journey towards a more peaceful life today!

Preguntas frecuentes

Can earplugs cause or worsen tinnitus?

In certain situations, it is possible ear plugs can worsen tinnitus. This can be because earplugs reduce the amount of surround sound reaching the ears, which allows the internal noise from tinnitus to become more noticeable. However, earplugs can also help protect your ears from excessive noise in loud environments.

What is the proper way to use earplugs when suffering from tinnitus?

Earplugs should ideally be used only when you really need them. Any prolonged sound exceeding 85dB is considered harmful and may require the use of earplugs to protect from damaging your ears. However, overuse can cause reduced sound tolerance, hyperacusis and exacerbated tinnitus as the reduction in environmental sounds can make one’s tinnitus sound louder.

What is the difference between phonophobia and hyperacusis?

Phonophobia is defined as the fear of everyday sounds. This can affect one's daily life. Hyperacusis, on the other hand, is a clinical form of sound intolerance. Both managed by an audiologist.

When is it recommended to use earplugs for tinnitus?

Knowing when to use earplugs for tinnitus can be confusing. Earplugs are best used in situations where loud sounds are more prominent. This includes concerts, sporting events, or when using noisy power tools. It can also be beneficial to use custom earplugs. These are designed for specific situations, such as: musician earplugs or swim plugs.

Which are the best earplugs to use when sleeping?

Earplugs can help reduce environmental noise during sleep. We recommend trying Westone's Custom Sleep Plugs, which can reduce sound by 37-39dB. Alternatively, Mack's Ultra Soft Foam Earplugs can also reduce sound by up to 33dB. These are readily available on Amazon.

How do noise-cancelling earplugs work?

Noise-cancelling earplugs work in two ways. The first, is by blocking sound from entering the ear canal. This is referred to as passive noise cancellation. The second, is by creating a background sound to mask unwanted environmental sounds. This is known as active noise cancellation.

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