Can Tinnitus Go Away After Six Months? Understanding the Extent of Tinnitus

Tinnitus is not a condition in itself but rather a symptom of an underlying cause. We answer questions on tinnitus and explore possible outlooks.
Dr Edmund Farrar
Written by: 
Dr Edmund Farrar

Around one in seven people in the UK currently live with persistent tinnitus, according to Tinnitus UK [1]. It is not a condition in itself but rather a symptom of an underlying cause, such as age-related hearing loss, ear injury, loud noise exposure or a circulatory system disorder.

Often described as a ringing, buzzing, hissing or whistling noise, tinnitus can range from a minor annoyance to a major disruption in one's life. The persistent nature of the condition leads many to wonder, ‘Is tinnitus permanent?’.

It's an important question, particularly for those who have been noticing the intrusion of this noise in their day-to-day life. While the answer is not as straightforward as hoped, there is room for optimism. In this article, we aim to explore this query in depth, offering insights and hope to people living with the condition.

Temporary vs. Permanent Tinnitus

To answer the central question, ‘Can tinnitus go away after six months?’, it is crucial to understand that it is a highly individual condition; what applies to one person may not hold for another. There are instances when tinnitus can be fleeting, disappearing after a brief period of a few months. But for some, it tends to persist for longer durations.

When Does Tinnitus Go Away On Its Own?

Tinnitus can often resolve on its own without medical intervention, particularly when it's associated with temporary causes like recent short-term exposure to loud noise or a minor ear infection. This type of tinnitus typically subsides once the underlying cause is resolved. The timeline for temporary tinnitus can vary widely, but it typically extends up to six to 12 months, beyond which your auditory perception is expected to return to its normal state.

Scientific evidence confirms this notion. For instance, a 2020 study examining the experience of tinnitus sufferers found that for certain patients, the condition lessened considerably or even ceased completely after six to 12 months [2].

When Can Tinnitus Be Permanent?

Medical professionals generally consider tinnitus to be permanent if it lasts more than six months, a condition known as chronic tinnitus. This is a general rule, but it is important to note that this does not necessarily mean that the sounds, disruptions and intrusions will remain constant. 

The impact and awareness of tinnitus can lessen over time due to a process called habituation, which is discussed in greater detail below. However, each individual's experience is unique, and timelines can differ.

How Habituation Influences Our Perception of Tinnitus

Habituation, a term borrowed from psychology, describes how our brain adapts to the constant noise. Initially, our mind might be hyper-aware of the stimulus, much like when we first step into a warm room after being out in the cold. After a while, though, you begin to notice the temperature less, not because the heat has lessened but because your body has become accustomed to it.

A similar process happens with tinnitus. Over time, many individuals find they become more accepting of the sounds. They are still there, of course, but they take up less mental space and become less of a distraction. The brain learns to redirect its attention from the noise, thus reducing your awareness of tinnitus. This change does not soothe the noise itself but helps you accept and cope with it better.

But is this process common? Research published in the Journal of Clinical Neurology found that up to 85% of individuals habituate to their tinnitus naturally over time, without any formal intervention. This self-habituation enables them to notice their tinnitus less, reducing its intrusive impact on their lives [3]. 

Remember, tinnitus and its habituation journey are as individual as the people it affects. The time it takes to adjust to the sounds can differ significantly from one person to another. However, this process offers a light at the end of the tunnel for many, a way to reduce the disruption and increase their quality of life.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is an effective way to get used to tinnitus more quickly. This approach helps change how you think and feel about tinnitus by reshaping any negative thinking and lowering the emotional stress of the condition. This way, instead of letting tinnitus take over your thoughts, you learn to see it as a normal part of your life, which helps lessen its disruption.

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The Oto App: Supporting Your Journey with Tinnitus

Navigating life with tinnitus can be a challenging journey. Constant disruptions, sleepless nights, stress and anxiety, are just a few of the hurdles individuals with tinnitus encounter daily. Amidst this, Oto steps in as a supportive companion to help you tune out tinnitus and push it into the background.

Oto is an intuitive digital programme designed to empower you in your journey with tinnitus. Harnessing the principles of CBT, the programme delivers audio sessions ranging from three to thirty minutes designed to change your perception of tinnitus and reduce its impact on your life.

These sessions aren't about masking the sound but about providing a mental toolkit at your fingertips to teach you to stop noticing the tinnitus. They guide you through mindfulness practices, enhancing focus and promoting relaxation, helping to reduce the disturbance caused by tinnitus, ultimately leading to a point where, for some users, it stops bothering them altogether.

Developed by a team who are well-versed in the challenges of tinnitus, Oto integrates the expertise of medical professionals with lived experiences. The end result? A tangible, effective approach to the condition that deeply understands your needs and struggles.

More than just an app, Oto also offers a 1-1 programme, merging expert video coaching sessions with our mobile app's functionalities. This comprehensive approach provides a personalised journey towards habituation. Not tech-savvy? No worries; Oto is designed with simplicity at its heart. You can also gain insights from success stories available on the app and a free consultation with a tinnitus specialist.

So, if you're looking to reduce the disruption of tinnitus in your life, Oto is the supportive companion you've been waiting for. Join the Oto family and transform your tinnitus journey into one of acceptance and habituation. Download the app on your iOS or Android device today. 


So, can tinnitus go away after six months? It's certainly a possibility. Each person's journey with tinnitus is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. But even if tinnitus doesn't disappear completely, there's reason to remain hopeful that you're not destined to live in constant distraction. Many have found ways to cope effectively with tinnitus, proving that it is indeed possible to lead a fulfilling life without being hampered by the noise.

This is where Oto steps in. A digital companion at your fingertips, Oto seeks to empower you in your journey with tinnitus. With a blend of expert-crafted content and personalised support, it aims to help you accept, habituate and, ultimately, notice your tinnitus less. Start your Oto experience now, and embrace a life where tinnitus plays a softer tune.


1. Martin, S. (2019, March 29). The number of people living with tinnitus in the UK higher than previously thought. British Society of Audiology. 

2. Vielsmeier, V., Santiago Stiel, R., Kwok, P., Langguth, B., & Schecklmann, M. (2020, September 11). From acute to chronic tinnitus: Pilot data on predictors and progression. Frontiers in neurology. 

3. Han, B. I., Lee, H. W., Kim, T. Y., Lim, J. S., & Shin, K. S. (2009, March). Tinnitus: Characteristics, causes, mechanisms, and treatments. Journal of clinical neurology (Seoul, Korea).

Need help with your tinnitus?
Learn out to tune out tinnitus and tune back into life with Oto's clinically proven program
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Tinnitus is not a condition in itself but rather a symptom of an underlying cause. We answer questions on tinnitus and explore possible outlooks.
Dr Edmund Farrar

Dr Edmund Farrar

Medically Reviewed by
Co-Founder & CEO of Oto

Can Tinnitus Go Away After Six Months? Understanding the Extent of Tinnitus

Around one in seven people in the UK currently live with persistent tinnitus, according to Tinnitus UK [1]. It is not a condition in itself but rather a symptom of an underlying cause, such as age-related hearing loss, ear injury, loud noise exposure or a circulatory system disorder.

Often described as a ringing, buzzing, hissing or whistling noise, tinnitus can range from a minor annoyance to a major disruption in one's life. The persistent nature of the condition leads many to wonder, ‘Is tinnitus permanent?’.

It's an important question, particularly for those who have been noticing the intrusion of this noise in their day-to-day life. While the answer is not as straightforward as hoped, there is room for optimism. In this article, we aim to explore this query in depth, offering insights and hope to people living with the condition.

Temporary vs. Permanent Tinnitus

To answer the central question, ‘Can tinnitus go away after six months?’, it is crucial to understand that it is a highly individual condition; what applies to one person may not hold for another. There are instances when tinnitus can be fleeting, disappearing after a brief period of a few months. But for some, it tends to persist for longer durations.

When Does Tinnitus Go Away On Its Own?

Tinnitus can often resolve on its own without medical intervention, particularly when it's associated with temporary causes like recent short-term exposure to loud noise or a minor ear infection. This type of tinnitus typically subsides once the underlying cause is resolved. The timeline for temporary tinnitus can vary widely, but it typically extends up to six to 12 months, beyond which your auditory perception is expected to return to its normal state.

Scientific evidence confirms this notion. For instance, a 2020 study examining the experience of tinnitus sufferers found that for certain patients, the condition lessened considerably or even ceased completely after six to 12 months [2].

When Can Tinnitus Be Permanent?

Medical professionals generally consider tinnitus to be permanent if it lasts more than six months, a condition known as chronic tinnitus. This is a general rule, but it is important to note that this does not necessarily mean that the sounds, disruptions and intrusions will remain constant. 

The impact and awareness of tinnitus can lessen over time due to a process called habituation, which is discussed in greater detail below. However, each individual's experience is unique, and timelines can differ.

How Habituation Influences Our Perception of Tinnitus

Habituation, a term borrowed from psychology, describes how our brain adapts to the constant noise. Initially, our mind might be hyper-aware of the stimulus, much like when we first step into a warm room after being out in the cold. After a while, though, you begin to notice the temperature less, not because the heat has lessened but because your body has become accustomed to it.

A similar process happens with tinnitus. Over time, many individuals find they become more accepting of the sounds. They are still there, of course, but they take up less mental space and become less of a distraction. The brain learns to redirect its attention from the noise, thus reducing your awareness of tinnitus. This change does not soothe the noise itself but helps you accept and cope with it better.

But is this process common? Research published in the Journal of Clinical Neurology found that up to 85% of individuals habituate to their tinnitus naturally over time, without any formal intervention. This self-habituation enables them to notice their tinnitus less, reducing its intrusive impact on their lives [3]. 

Remember, tinnitus and its habituation journey are as individual as the people it affects. The time it takes to adjust to the sounds can differ significantly from one person to another. However, this process offers a light at the end of the tunnel for many, a way to reduce the disruption and increase their quality of life.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is an effective way to get used to tinnitus more quickly. This approach helps change how you think and feel about tinnitus by reshaping any negative thinking and lowering the emotional stress of the condition. This way, instead of letting tinnitus take over your thoughts, you learn to see it as a normal part of your life, which helps lessen its disruption.

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The Oto App: Supporting Your Journey with Tinnitus

Navigating life with tinnitus can be a challenging journey. Constant disruptions, sleepless nights, stress and anxiety, are just a few of the hurdles individuals with tinnitus encounter daily. Amidst this, Oto steps in as a supportive companion to help you tune out tinnitus and push it into the background.

Oto is an intuitive digital programme designed to empower you in your journey with tinnitus. Harnessing the principles of CBT, the programme delivers audio sessions ranging from three to thirty minutes designed to change your perception of tinnitus and reduce its impact on your life.

These sessions aren't about masking the sound but about providing a mental toolkit at your fingertips to teach you to stop noticing the tinnitus. They guide you through mindfulness practices, enhancing focus and promoting relaxation, helping to reduce the disturbance caused by tinnitus, ultimately leading to a point where, for some users, it stops bothering them altogether.

Developed by a team who are well-versed in the challenges of tinnitus, Oto integrates the expertise of medical professionals with lived experiences. The end result? A tangible, effective approach to the condition that deeply understands your needs and struggles.

More than just an app, Oto also offers a 1-1 programme, merging expert video coaching sessions with our mobile app's functionalities. This comprehensive approach provides a personalised journey towards habituation. Not tech-savvy? No worries; Oto is designed with simplicity at its heart. You can also gain insights from success stories available on the app and a free consultation with a tinnitus specialist.

So, if you're looking to reduce the disruption of tinnitus in your life, Oto is the supportive companion you've been waiting for. Join the Oto family and transform your tinnitus journey into one of acceptance and habituation. Download the app on your iOS or Android device today. 


So, can tinnitus go away after six months? It's certainly a possibility. Each person's journey with tinnitus is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. But even if tinnitus doesn't disappear completely, there's reason to remain hopeful that you're not destined to live in constant distraction. Many have found ways to cope effectively with tinnitus, proving that it is indeed possible to lead a fulfilling life without being hampered by the noise.

This is where Oto steps in. A digital companion at your fingertips, Oto seeks to empower you in your journey with tinnitus. With a blend of expert-crafted content and personalised support, it aims to help you accept, habituate and, ultimately, notice your tinnitus less. Start your Oto experience now, and embrace a life where tinnitus plays a softer tune.


1. Martin, S. (2019, March 29). The number of people living with tinnitus in the UK higher than previously thought. British Society of Audiology. 

2. Vielsmeier, V., Santiago Stiel, R., Kwok, P., Langguth, B., & Schecklmann, M. (2020, September 11). From acute to chronic tinnitus: Pilot data on predictors and progression. Frontiers in neurology. 

3. Han, B. I., Lee, H. W., Kim, T. Y., Lim, J. S., & Shin, K. S. (2009, March). Tinnitus: Characteristics, causes, mechanisms, and treatments. Journal of clinical neurology (Seoul, Korea).

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